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Ovaj oglas je istekao 27.04.2024. i više nije aktivan.
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Program menadžer (m/ž)

Oglas je istekao
Mjesto rada:
Oise, Francuska
Rok prijave:

O poslu

Opis radnog mjesta:
The Program Manager:
– Is accountable for the achievement of project targets and objectives (quality, profitability, timing and risks) validated by the management.
– Manages functionally the core team.
– Ensures customer satisfaction.
– Defines quality, profitability & cost targets and leads all project team members to achieve these targets with a permanent focus on cash.
– Respects timing and manages risks.
– Ensures reliability, safety, compliance to norms and regulations of product/system and to ergonomic rules.

Responsibility 1 : Project Plan:
– Builds project plan
For mechatronic system: Builds project plan including schedule for Mechatronic Systems, Components, HW and SW, and insuring convergence.
Posebne pogodnosti:
- zaposlenje pod francuskim uvjetima – francuski poslodavac
- atraktivna plaća po dogovoru sa poslodavcem
- smještaj organizira poslodavac
- proces zapošljavanja i rješavanja formalnosti traje do 3 mjeseca
- doprinose i poreze poslodavac plaća u Francuskoj
- mogućnost prekovremenih ovisi o projektu
- mogućnost profesionalnog razvoja i dugoročne suradnje
- podršku našeg regrutacijskog tima tijekom i nakon zapošljavanja
- naše usluge su besplatne (između ostalog: prijevod i profesionalna priprema
- životopisa na engleskom jeziku u svrhe zapošljavanja)
Vrsta posla:
stalni radni odnos, rad na određeno vrijeme

O zaposleniku

Znanja i kvalifikacije:
– minimum of 3 years of successful Project Management
For mechatronic System
mechanical and/or electronics and/or Mechatronics Engineer
skills & abilities
General knowledge : Written and oral mastery of business English – Cross cultural understanding – Other language in accordance with customer requirements
Applied knowledge : Project management – Time management / Planning – Cross-functional team management – Conflict management – Confidentiality management – Financial (e.g. stop invest, P&L, capex, material margin, etc…) – Decisionmaking – Commercial skills – Presentation skills – Risk management, Multi project approach – Coaching ability
– ISS Knowledge : MS Office, MS Project, ERP (SAP, etc…), PLM

Functional knowledge:
– For mechatronic system: as well as supplier manufacturing processes injection molding, assembly operations including full traceability, EOL testing, HW/SW & traceability in production (reflash operations, etc.)
– Design tools
– Failure mode effects analysis (FMEA), DVP & R
– Engineering fundamentals: Fuel Systems Design, SCR System Design – Procedures: PPAP requirements, management of changes
– For mechatronic system: Engineering fundamentals: SCR System Design – Procedures: PPAP requirements, management of changes
– Bill of Material (BOM)
– Liability and warranty
– Knowledge of IATF16949 and ISO9001 Standards for the function, Quality tools (e.g. APQP, QS 9000,
IATF16949, ISO 14001, statistical process control (SPC), 8D, for mechatronic ISO 26262, SPICE etc.)

Samo na ugovor stranog poslodavca.

Samo provjerene ponude.

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