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Control cabinet fitter (m/f/d) - Elektromonter (m/ž/d)

Oglas je istekao


Alexander Bürkle GmbH & Co. KG has been in existence for 122 years and operates at a total of 22 locations. More than 800 employees develop and implement solutions for the electrical trade, industry and electrical retailers. We are a technology service provider in the electrical engineering industry. Join our team now and find your role!
Part of this group of companies is Alexander Bürkle panel solutions GmbH, our specialist in the field of control cabinet construction for control systems and installation distributors.

To strengthen our team, we are looking for a

Control Cabinet Fitter (m/f/d)

Your tasks

  • Assembly and wiring of control cabinets according to planning documents, taking into account the current standards and regulations 
  • Professional implementation of circuit diagrams and drawings according to specifications
  • Independent assembly of electromechanical assemblies 

Your profile 

  • Completed vocational training in the electrotechnical field is an advantage 
  • Professional experience in switchboard or distribution board construction, as well as in reading circuit diagrams 
  • Good language skills either in German, English or Croatian 
  • Motivation and reliability 

Our benefits

  • Jobrad: If you ride your bike to work, we will reward you. For each day you receive two euros. And with JobRad we support you in leasing a bike of your choice. 
  • Work-life balance: We provide flexible working hours so that you can better combine family, career and free time. 
  • Hansefit: We pay half, you get the full program. 
  • Integration support 
  • 30 days vacation
  • Vacation pay and special payments according to collective agreement

Please apply via application link below.

We are looking forward to meet you!

Alexander Bürkle panel solutions GmbH
Odenwaldstraße 5-7, 63533 Mainhausen Germany
Contact: Nina Disch
Tel. +49 761 5106-350
[email protected]


Alexander Bürkle GmbH & Co. KG postoji već 122 godine i posluje na 22 lokacije. Preko 800 zaposlenica i zaposlenika razvijaju i ostvaruju rješenja za elektroinstalacije, industriju i trgovinu elektro opremom. Mi smo pružatelji tehnoloških usluga u elektrotehnici. Postani dio našeg tima i pronađi svoju ulogu!

Dio ove grupacije je Alexander Bürkle panel solutions GmbH, naš stručnjak u području izrade upravljačkih elektro ormara.

Za pojačanje našeg tima u Mainhausenu (Njemačka) tražimo:

Elektromonter (m/ž/d)

Tvoje zadaće

  • Izrada i ožičenje upravljačkih ormara prema dokumentima elektroplana primjenjujući važeće standarde i propise
  • Stručna izvedba radova prema specifikacijama elektro plana i nacrta
  • Samostalna montaža elektromehaničkih sklopova    

Tvoj profil

  • Prednost završena izobrazba elekto smjera
  • Poželjno iskustvo u izradi upravljačkih ormara ili razdjelnika te poznavanje elektro plana i nacrta
  • Poznavanje njemačkog ili engleskog jezika na komunikacijskoj razini
  • Motivacija i pouzdanost 


  • Podrška u integraciji 
  • Jobrad: za svaki dolazak biciklom na posao nagrađujemo te sa dva eura po dolasku. Mogućnost kupnje bicikla na lizing po tvom izboru
  • Work-Life-Balance: omogućavamo fleksibilno radno vrijeme za bolji sklad obitelji,posla i slobodnog vremena
  • Hansefit: Firmenfitness, plaćena polovina članarine fitnes studia po tvom izboru
  • 30 dana godišnjeg odmora
  • Regres i tarifom određeni dodaci na plaću

Molimo prijavite se putem donje Brze prijave.

Veselimo se upoznati Vas!

Alexander Bürkle panel solutions GmbH
Odenwaldstraße 5-7, 63533 Mainhausen Germany
Kontakt: Nina Disch
Tel. +49 761 5106-350
[email protected]